Workshop with Charlotte Böttger
This workshop is aimed at dancers or people with a lot of movement experience as well as Shiatsu practitioners, so that an exchange can arise between these two fields. We will mix, explore and potentiate bodywork and contemporary dance practice. Shiatsu incorporates principles of touch that are derived from growth and transformation processes in nature. These principles are always dynamic in nature and inspire motion. Shiatsu furthermore leads the body into deep letting go. When the dancers move from this relaxed, detached, inner state, this can set unknown motors of movement free. The movement then can spring from a deep physical ground. In return, experiencing freely moving, dancing bodies as a resonance to Shiatsu touch can be expanding and enriching for the Shiatsu practice: The energies and movement impulses released by the touch find an immediate and direct expression, are continued and creatively transformed when the dancers surrender to their body's own will to move. Inspired by one energy principle, of which there are 12 in Shiatsu, both Shiatsu practitioners and dancers will be treating and moving in this Workshop. Thereby we expand our own field and that of others.
Charlotte Böttger is a dancer and Shiatsu therapist. At the centre of her dance practice is a philosophy of improvisation. Improvisation thrives on decisiveness, obstinacy and listening to what shows up spontaneously and how it transforms. These things are also seminal in Shiatsu. Charlotte's approach to Shiatsu is based on her Shiatsu training at the International School for Shiatsu at the Campus for Body Therapy, Kientalerhof. Her dance background is formed through numerous collaborations with various choreographers and especially through her work in the dance collective NNN Dance, which she co-founded. Charlotte trained in contemporary dance at the Etage in Berlin and continued her dance training with a focus on improvisation at the TIP School for Dance, Improvisation and Performance in Freiburg. Charlotte lives in Basel.
When: February 8th, 2025 / 10 a.m. - 16 p.m. (break 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.)
Where: Sudio Lörracherstrasse 45, Freiburg
Price: 65 - 85 Euro / Sliding Scale until 31st of Jan. After that 85 Euro
Bring: Warm clothes and something to write
Language: English and German
Info & registration: