Our guest choreographer Natalia Gabrielczyk teached her special working method of piece development (movement research, finding material, piece construction) in a transparent creation process. Natalia shared her experience built through the companies and choreographers she worked with, as well as her own artistic vision.
The focus of the project was on the use of individual physical abilities and the development of imagination. This style of story telling draws on your creativity, physically building images using movement and creative tasks.
Further content includes daily technical and performance training.
The project ended with a public show.
Natalia’s focus layed in exploration of the boundaries of our imagination in connection to our physical body. During the creation, as well as during the warm up, the participants looked into playing with multitudes: multitudes of rhythms, qualities, images energies and dynamics. Our primal interest to move from and towards will be our senses. They dived into sensations and imagery, tried to discover worlds and environments where there is no distinction between the body and its relational representation, where the reality and imagination mold into one. They looked at the moving body in a holistic way using different tools to let go, find freedom, and playfulness. It was a journey to find out our raw sense and honesty in a performative scenario. They tried to reach our highest capacity, the deepest connections, and limitless possibilities and looked at the improvisation as a total connection of our body and our imagination, also as a main tool to create material.
Within the creation process, the participants created worlds and broke them. They contemplated and researched on how one can make images with the body so they could tell a stories. They created stories that emerged from our bodies. The process was entirely experimental and based on multitude of creative tasks that transform us into limitless, hypersensitive moving creatures.